

A Land Transformed: An Interdisciplinary Investigation into the Impact of the Thirty Years' War on the Rural Landscape of Bohemia


The project investigates the transformations that took place in the rural landscape and settlements of Bohemia during the Thirty Years´ War (1618-1648) which had a devastating effect upon many regions of Central Europe. Preliminary archaeological research in west Bohemia has indicated that the impact of a singular war event at a regional level can be surprisingly complex. The project is innovative by adopting a rigorous interdisciplinary approach that combines data from written, iconographic, cartographic, environmental, and archaeological sources examined by modern methods using geospatial technologies.


To investigate the transformation of the Bohemian landscape in the Thirty Years’ War times by a comparison of written, iconographic, archaeological sources and environmental data. To illustrate the principles of an interdisciplinary research through the example of the Swedish campaign in Bohemia in 1647.


The project is spread over the years 2015-2017.